

诊断 & 皮肤、头发和指甲状况的治疗

皮肤是人体最大的器官. 作为身体的外层保护层, 它暴露在环境中, 使它容易受到生长的影响, 皮疹, 变色, 囊肿, 伯恩斯, 受伤, 感染, 以及其他疾病. Our dermatologists provide comprehensive care and state-of-the-art treatment for skin, 头发, nail and adjacent mucous membrane conditions and diseases in adults and children, 包括:

  • Screening for melanoma, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and other types of skin cancer
  • 痤疮治疗和疤痕去除
  • 脱发
  • 接触性皮炎和脂溢性皮炎, 包括过敏性皮疹, 头皮屑, 还有尿布疹
  • 皮肤色素紊乱
  • Inflammatory skin disorders, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (湿疹) and rosacea
  • 指甲内生和指甲真菌感染
  • 全身和感染性疾病的皮肤表现, 包括唇疱疹, 红斑狼疮, 湿疹, 疣和带状疱疹
  • 去除皮赘和痣



我们的团队一起工作 肿瘤学家, 内分泌学家, 神经学家, 小儿神经学家, surgeons and other medical professionals to ensure treatment approaches that are most effective for each patient. Our physicians specialize in evaluating and managing benign and malignant disorders of the skin, 头发, 指甲和邻近的粘膜, 包括:

  • 皮肤癌(癌)的诊断与治疗, 黑素瘤, 皮肤上的痣和其他肿瘤
  • The management of contact dermatitis, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin disorders
  • The recognition of the skin manifestations of systemic and infectious diseases
  • 皮肤病理学
  • Surgical techniques used in 皮肤病学, including Mohs micrographic surgery


皮肤病学DocTalks & 病人的故事

2023年初,第一夫人米歇尔. Jill Biden underwent Mohs surgery to remove skin lesions that were found to be basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer and usually caused by prolonged exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds.

观看这个视频,了解更多关于这种情况和手术, and the importance of getting regular skin checks from Valley dermatologist Laura 沃尔什, MD. 

0:12 什么是防晒霜?为什么防晒霜对皮肤保护很重要? 0:39 SPF是什么意思?
1:04 买防晒霜的时候,SPF值应该是多少? 1:40 怎样涂防晒霜?多久涂一次?
2:22 我们需要在阴天或夏天以外的季节使用防晒霜吗?
2:55 还有什么其他方法可以保护自己免受阳光照射?

特应性皮炎(AD)患者的生活, 也被称为湿疹, 会是一场持续的战斗吗, 突然发作会引起不适和沮丧. 十大正规网赌软件病人波莉, her struggle with AD took a drastic turn a few years ago when her symptoms got worse, 影响了她的日常生活和睡眠质量. 然而,在皮肤科医生的照顾下,希望来了 劳拉·沃尔什,医学博士他帮助波莉重新控制了病情.

特应性皮炎 慢性炎症性皮肤状况会导致干燥吗, 瘙痒, 皮肤上有典型的皮疹. It occurs more frequently in children but can also affect adults (“atopic” means you tend to have allergic conditions and “dermatitis” means skin inflammation). AD is often associated with a personal or family history of other atopic conditions like asthma or hay fever. 阿尔茨海默病的确切病因尚不完全清楚, but it is believed to involve a combination of skin barrier dysfunction (an issue with your skin’s protective layer) and immune regulation (a possible problem with how your body’s defense system works). The condition can vary in severity and may require ongoing care and treatment to control symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

波莉的情况一开始是季节性地在皮肤上出现小斑点. 她也意识到她的一些家庭成员也患有阿尔茨海默病. She used over-the-counter remedies such as moisturizers and antihistamines to manage her flare-ups. 然而, 大约三年前, 波莉的病情突然恶化了, 扩散到她身体的不同部位. Over time, the relentless itch became unbearable, causing her distress and sleepless nights. 这也影响了她的日常活动, and the itchiness and appearance of her skin left her feeling self-conscious. “不应该每天都这么痛苦,”波莉回忆起那段时间.

波莉决心要找到解脱,于是去医院寻求治疗 十大正规网赌软件皮肤科诊所. Dr. 沃尔什开了一种新药,杜匹单抗. This medication uses monoclonal antibody therapy, a relatively new field of medicine. 它能阻断体内引起特应性皮炎的两种化学信号, 而且对6个月大的婴儿是安全的. The medication is given as an injection every two weeks that patients can learn how to do on their own at 首页.

Within a few weeks of starting the treatment, Polly’s itchiness got significantly better. As the weeks progressed, the number of 湿疹 spots and scaling also decreased. 今天, 她只剩下两个小斑点了, 从她以前持续不舒服的状态来看,这是一个显著的改善. “The 瘙痒 is almost completely gone and I’m sleeping better than I have my whole life,”她说。.

“特应性皮炎 (湿疹) can be difficult to treat and frustrating for patients. 瘙痒是影响生活质量的一个主要问题,它会影响睡眠, 让人难以集中注意力, 成为每天的压力源,博士解释道。. 沃尔什. “I am so pleased to have these new biologic medications to offer my patients who need to escalate therapy from topical treatments. 随着最近的医疗创新, we now have more targeted medications that have fewer side effects than our prior systemic treatments.”


Living with a chronic skin condition can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. 牛皮癣, a condition characterized by patches of red and raised areas of skin (plaques) can greatly impact a person's quality of life. 谷病人, 凯西, battled psoriasis for years and found healing and relief under the care of 劳拉·沃尔什,医学博士, at 十大正规网赌软件皮肤科诊所通过一种突破性的药物治疗.

凯西18岁时第一次注意到症状, 没有意识到即将影响她生活的状况. Initially, she mistook her symptoms for leprosy, causing fear and uncertainty about her future. With time, 凯西 became more informed about psoriasis and started to understand her condition.

多年来, 她的身体和头皮上出现了斑块, 造成痛苦和毁灭感. 作为商界的专业人士, 凯西试图隐瞒她的病情, “我只穿长袖,”她说。, since she felt the need to cover up her skin to avoid questions and judgment. 持续的瘙痒和抓挠的冲动使她的症状恶化, 导致开裂和出血.

牛皮癣 flare-ups can vary throughout the day and fluctuate over longer periods. 凯西 recognized that stress played a significant role in making her symptoms worse. 作为一个有两个孩子的单身母亲,还要应付繁重的工作, 凯西经常受到压力的影响, 这通常会加重她的症状.

多年来,凯西每周服用一次甲氨蝶呤治疗牛皮癣. 她在服药后才发现, 第二天她就会觉得不舒服,而且精神很差. 她决定在周五晚上服用,并利用周六来恢复, 因为她周末不用上班. Unfortunately, she also realized that it was a day lost to do activities with her kids.

年后, 凯西 found that she had breast cancer and had to stop taking methotrexate during her treatment. She managed her psoriasis symptoms with topical medications that she put on her skin and scalp. 近年来, 她的症状恶化了,她去十大正规网赌软件皮肤科诊所寻求治疗, 在那里她遇到了. 沃尔什. 凯西说:“医生. 沃尔什很善解人意, and she had done all of her research before I ever came in for my first appointment.”  

在博士. 沃尔什的关怀, 凯西开始使用瑞桑单抗治疗, a new biologic medicine specifically developed for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. 这种药的作用是针对牛皮癣的根本原因, 减少炎症, 让皮肤愈合. 随着时间的推移,她见证了皮肤外观和质地的改善. Her symptoms were effectively controlled and she was finding the relief she had longed for. 凯西 no longer felt the need to hide her skin or live in constant discomfort. 她分享了她的一个儿子最近说的话, “妈妈, 我一直都知道你患有牛皮癣, and I’ve seen you be sad about it; I’m so tickled about this (new medication) helping.”

“在与牛皮癣抗争多年之后, it's encouraging to see my patient experience relief with a new biologic medication. 这种治疗明显改善了她的皮肤和整体健康状况. It's a testament to the progress we're making in medical science while improving patients’ lives,”医生说。. 沃尔什.

服务位置 & 供应商

皮肤科门诊| VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3581 传真 425.690.9181

皮肤科门诊| VMC专科护理

129th Ave SE Ste 100 7203
呼叫 425.690.3439 传真 425.690.9439

皮肤科门诊| VMC专科护理

呼叫 425.690.3483 传真 425.690.9083